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Delicious Love Icons
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 Delicious Love Icons

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Icon sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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Tags: load icon, icons turned black, win xp icon, taskbar icons not showing, www emo icons com

Would be to conduct you on corridors of this building. They last literally on

Kilometres, and after all they make only small part of the City. Here shops,

Dining rooms, places for entertainments, toilets, lifts, transitions and other. On

One floor of one house in one City on the Earth, there is more than colour and

A variety, than in all Poselenchesky city or in the whole External world.

- Here, probably, it is easy to lose the way.

- No. All know the neighbourhood here, as well as in any other world. Even it is enough to foreigners to look only at indexes.

- I believe that people are compelled to do all these walks for the The physical blessing, - with doubt Gledija has told.

- And for social too. In corridors all time the people, also is accepted,

That the person stayed to exchange pair words with familiar or

Welcomed even the unfamiliar. And it is absolutely necessary to go. All lifts

For vertical moving. And outside of a building there are network feeders-lines

The express train. Here it - yes! You will see.

- I heard about them. These are strips which drag you all more fast and

More fast, or on the contrary, more slowly and more slowly when you pass with one on

Other. I cannot do it, and do not ask.

- You will make. I will show to you. It will be necessary - on hands I will transfer, but

Generally here it is necessary very few experts. All earth dwellers use

Should admit that settlers in this business are clumsy enough. I too not Grace miracle, but I can. You too can.

it has heaved a deep sigh.

- Well, all right, I will try. But here that, Didzhi expensive, it is necessary for us

A little quiet room for the night. I would like to muffle yours City hum.

- I think that it is possible to arrange it.

- And I do not wish to eat in dining rooms.

- Well, it is possible to agree, that meal brought here, but to you it is better

Would be to participate in a public life of the Earth. Furthermore I will be with you.

- Perhaps, after a while, Didzhi, but not at once. And I want To have for itself a female toilet.

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