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- I heard the same and from other firms. But time does not suffer, - with Bitterness has said it. - I have invested the capital in the earth. Through Couple of weeks there will be shoots, and all of them will be there and then destroyed by rats. You should finish this misfortune before fields will turn green, Gentlemen.
Gregor's long thin person did not express special pleasure. It was rather
It is conservative in the decisions and actions, and it was not pleasant to it such
The approach. Because of self-confidence and Arnold's bragging their firm almost
Always incurred losses, concluding almost impracticable contracts. Gregor
Opposed to it as could. But, probably, without risk not to manage, if
You start such business as it agency, and you have no
Penny in a pocket. However recently it carried, it was formed even
Some profit, and Gregor would not like to risk. That is why
Suspicious shine in the opinion of the partner guarded him.
The client did not call mistrust but who knows, how all it Gregor
Can turn back. Suddenly actually rats will appear seven-foot
Big fellows with blasters in hands. At firm "AAA-POPS" already happened similar
Unforeseen surprises.
- You had to struggle with wreckers of fields earlier? - He has asked at
- Certainly. But that were the cases which are not representing problems, for example,
Flying it, creeping it or decay ordinary. These are habitual
Cares of the farmer.
- And why now with rats there were problems?
- Whence to me the nobility, - has angrily muttered it. - Speak directly,
Wish to earn or not?
- Certainly, we want, - Arnold has hastened to agree. - we are ready to begin
Though now...
- We at first should consult to the partner, - has resolutely interfered
Gregor also has pulled out Arnold in a corridor.
The pudge and fat man Arnold, as always, it was full of enthusiasm. It,
The diplomaed chemist, all interested. It has been stuffed
The most improbable information obtained from tens scientific and
Technical journals which wrote out not without damage to the firm budget.
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