Large Button Icons are perfect for designing a user interface for a software application or a new website toolbar. Containing a variety of professionally designed images, Large Button Icons depict a variety of consepts in a set of slick and smooth images. With the huge maximum size of 512x512 pixels the collection of button icons is perfect for all types of software applications, Web sites and printed leaflets.
The collection of button icons comes in sizes of 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256 pixels in 32-bit color scheme with alpha-channel. Normal, highlighted, and disabled versions of each icon are supplied. Image formats include a variety of Windows and platform independent formats such as BMP and ICO, PNG.
Large Button Icons
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Are you looking for the sexy girl clipart? Well, this sort of clipart is now in demand and exactly drawing more attention from the users and web designers. Now you can easily avail girl clipart of high quality from the internet. There are several websites that have been announced in order to offer people a real look when they are trying to make own web portals look effective. This sort of girl clipart can be dedicated to a woman and her feminine beauty. These are the most valuable asset which you can now download online. There are so many website designers and developers who have shown their interest in downloading these girl clipart. There are also several projects which have been announced and they bear the concept like relationship between men and women. For these projects girl clipart has always proven to be enough handy and offered web designers a real chance to generate the most lucrative look for the website. These girl clipart can always add the sexiest look for such websites. These clipart are really going high on demand among the dating websites where the owner wants to add the sexiest looks for most of the web pages.
Icons give you resemblance to a lot of documents & applications so user will very easily the targeted application and document. Few icons might not give you perfect representation to document and application, however it gives deeper meanings & concepts, which distinguish from other icons. Thus, uniqueness of icons must be there giving enhancement on aesthetics & functions. Moreover, lots of icons give various purposes & representations to lots of objects. The website icons are been used in Internet to give users with easy & user-friendly navigation at browser. Like Home button that is been represented by small house. The application icons are all representations for a lot of software programs all along with toolbars & menus. The desktop icons are ones seen especially when user boots computer and Icons as well give emotion representations such as emoticons in instant messenger that is used widely these days for the communication through use of internet. There are instances, which icons are updated and edited through use of the icon editor. Majority of time, icon that are edited is the free icon that will very easily get acquired in Internet.
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Large Weather Icons depict different weather conditions that are common for software, weather portals, and mobile gadgets. The icons are supplied in all resolutions standard to Windows, Mac OS, and other platforms. The largest versions are huge 512x512 pixel icons with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily affordable and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest quality.

Icons for medicine and chemistry: ambulance car, snake cup, pill, tablet, tooth, phial, syringe, test-tube, skull, bones, molecules and others.
Transport Icon Set. A package of colorful and distinctive icons depicting all transport types for the transport and travel industries.
Standard Software Icons is pack of eye-caching software icons carefully designed by experienced artists. This set is an ideal selection for navigation panels and toolbars of all sorts.
Large Money Icons is a set of professionally drawn icons for use in commercial and personal projects, including software applications, websites, blogs and presentations. The icons present a bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges.