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Vector Commerce Icons
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Commerce Icons up to 512x512 and Vector Icons

Large Commerce Icons set contains icons in sizes 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 256x256 and 512x512 pixels, both in 256 colors and True Color with semi-transparency channel. It can be delivered in ICO, PNG, GIF or BMP formats, in normal, hot and disabled states. Source files in Adobe Illustrator (AI) format can also be purchased.

commerce icons

Large Commerce Icons

Visa icons
Visa SH icons
Visa SH
Credit cards icons
Credit cards
Credit cards SH icons
Credit cards SH
Barcode icons
Barcode SH icons
Barcode SH
Money icons
Money SH icons
Money SH
Money v2 icons
Money v2
Money v2 SH icons
Money v2 SH
Money v3 icons
Money v3
Money v3 SH icons
Money v3 SH
Dollar icons
Dollar SH icons
Dollar SH
Euro icons
Euro SH icons
Euro SH
Pound icons
Pound SH icons
Pound SH
Yen icons
Yen SH icons
Yen SH
Exchange icons
Exchange SH icons
Exchange SH
Percent icons
Percent SH icons
Percent SH
Sum icons
Sum SH icons
Sum SH
Sale icons
Sale SH icons
Sale SH
Scanner icons
Scanner SH icons
Scanner SH
Handbag icons
Handbag SH icons
Handbag SH
Product basket icons
Product basket
Product basket SH icons
Product basket SH
Full basket icons
Full basket
Full basket SH icons
Full basket SH
Hand cart icons
Hand cart
Hand cart SH icons
Hand cart SH
Hand truck icons
Hand truck
Hand truck SH icons
Hand truck SH
Shopping cart icons
Shopping cart
Shopping cart SH icons
Shopping cart SH
Baby goods icons
Baby goods
Baby goods SH icons
Baby goods SH
Sound tooth icons
Sound tooth
Sound tooth SH icons
Sound tooth SH
Tooth brush icons
Tooth brush
Tooth brush SH icons
Tooth brush SH
Tooth paste icons
Tooth paste
Tooth paste SH icons
Tooth paste SH
Pill icons
Pill SH icons
Pill SH
Pills icons
Pills SH icons
Pills SH
Tablets icons
Tablets SH icons
Tablets SH
Phial icons
Phial SH icons
Phial SH
Drugs icons
Drugs SH icons
Drugs SH
Natural drug icons
Natural drug
Natural drug SH icons
Natural drug SH
Plant book icons
Plant book
Plant book SH icons
Plant book SH
Pets icons
Pets SH icons
Pets SH
Dog icons
Dog SH icons
Dog SH
Cat icons
Cat SH icons
Cat SH
Home icons
Home SH icons
Home SH
Building icons
Building SH icons
Building SH
Factory icons
Factory SH icons
Factory SH
Industry icons
Industry SH icons
Industry SH
Delivery icons
Delivery SH icons
Delivery SH
Jeep icons
Jeep SH icons
Jeep SH
Taxi icons
Taxi SH icons
Taxi SH
Empty folder icons
Empty folder
Empty folder SH icons
Empty folder SH
Folder icons
Folder SH icons
Folder SH
Cardfile icons
Cardfile SH icons
Cardfile SH
Calculator icons
Calculator SH icons
Calculator SH
Calendar icons
Calendar SH icons
Calendar SH
Phone icons
Phone SH icons
Phone SH
Mobile icons
Mobile SH icons
Mobile SH
Cash register icons
Cash register
Cash register SH icons
Cash register SH
Printer icons
Printer SH icons
Printer SH
Photo icons
Photo SH icons
Photo SH
CD icons
CD SH icons
Music CD icons
Music CD
Music CD SH icons
Music CD SH
Music collection icons
Music collection
Music collection SH icons
Music collection SH
Music notes icons
Music notes
Music notes SH icons
Music notes SH
Music icons
Music SH icons
Music SH
Movie icons
Movie SH icons
Movie SH
Earth icons
Earth SH icons
Earth SH
Globe icons
Globe SH icons
Globe SH
Shoes icons
Shoes SH icons
Shoes SH
T-shirt icons
T-shirt SH icons
T-shirt SH
Sun glasses icons
Sun glasses
Sun glasses SH icons
Sun glasses SH
Auction icons
Auction SH icons
Auction SH
Airtickets icons
Airtickets SH icons
Airtickets SH
Camcorder icons
Camcorder SH icons
Camcorder SH
Certificate icons
Certificate SH icons
Certificate SH
Gamepad icons
Gamepad SH icons
Gamepad SH
GPS icons
GPS SH icons
Hit parade icons
Hit parade
Hit parade SH icons
Hit parade SH
Mouse icons
Mouse SH icons
Mouse SH
Mp3 player icons
Mp3 player
Mp3 player SH icons
Mp3 player SH
Radio icons
Radio SH icons
Radio SH
USB drive icons
USB drive
USB drive SH icons
USB drive SH
Webcam icons
Webcam SH icons
Webcam SH
Binocularis icons
Binocularis SH icons
Binocularis SH
Cell phones icons
Cell phones
Cell phones SH icons
Cell phones SH
Email icons
Email SH icons
Email SH
Fast delivery icons
Fast delivery
Fast delivery SH icons
Fast delivery SH
Forum icons
Forum SH icons
Forum SH
Hotel icons
Hotel SH icons
Hotel SH
Keyboard icons
Keyboard SH icons
Keyboard SH
Mail box icons
Mail box
Mail box SH icons
Mail box SH
PDA icons
PDA SH icons
Phone support icons
Phone support
Phone support SH icons
Phone support SH
Print icons
Print SH icons
Print SH
Tourist business icons
Tourist business
Tourist business SH icons
Tourist business SH
Bookkeeper icons
Bookkeeper SH icons
Bookkeeper SH
Customer icons
Customer SH icons
Customer SH
Financier icons
Financier SH icons
Financier SH
Motocourier icons
Motocourier SH icons
Motocourier SH
Courier icons
Courier SH icons
Courier SH
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Commerce Icons - Perfect Vector Icons for Your Business

You can find variety of commerce icons online, but you must choose the best ones which would portray your business functionalities or product functionalities.

If you search online, you can find lots of companies which sell varieties of commerce icons and vector icon in varying resolutions even in 512x512 pixels. Here we will discuss about some of the commerce icons ideas and their varieties of options. You can find large commerce icons to buy to place them in your websites. You can showcase the functional attributes of your product or brand through the commerce and vector icons that too with very high resolutions like 512x512 pixels.

You can get these icons in 3 different states like normal which will be in colour with less brightness, hot which will be in colour with more brightness and in disabled state which will be in black and white colour. This can clearly bookmark your application's current state like online, offline, idle, invisible, not available etc. you can get them all in varying size as well. You can get small icons, medium to large and extra large icons to place in your websites.

Large commerce icons like visa, credit cards, barcode, money, euro, dollar, pound, yen, exchange, sale, percent, exchange SH, yen SH, pound SH, percent SH, sum, Sum SH, scanner, scanner SH, handbag, product basket, full basket, hand cart, hand truck, shopping cart, baby goods, sound tooth, tooth brush, tooth paste, pills, tablets, phial, drugs, natural drugs etc.

There are lots of vector icons and commerce icons to portray the home and home based needs like home, cat, dog, pets, building, factory, industry, industry SH, delivery, delivery SH, jeep, jeep SH, taxi, etc are available. Basic computer functionalities icons like folder, empty folder, card file, calculator, calendar, printer, cash register, phone, mobile, music, movie icons are greatly available with varying colours and sizes.

Icons for Toolbars and Digital Art - Help to Understand the Icon Meanings

Icons for toolbars like digital art icons, refresh icons etc. are specially designed to make the users understand the icon meanings and functionalities.

Icons for toolbars are very important as they would help you and your client to keep track of the main subject without getting any disturbances. You can easily pin point on their basis functions or applications without seeing their subject descriptions. There are lots of icons for toolbars are available online today with varying size, formats, states and designs.

You can get large icons for toolbars like digital art, refresh icons, book, add, alarm, chart, back, copy, cut, paste, delete, dollar, credit card, close page, down, edit etc. These icons would clearly show off their desired functionalities with their symbols and 2D images. There are lots of collections which include icons like exchange, export, find, exit, black folder, yellow folder, function, help, hint, home page, image, import, language, left, list, lock, mail etc.

If you run a business where you need bookmarks for certain functions like meetings, Ok, preview, cut, past, print, redo, open folder, close folder, lock, update, refresh etc, you can get icons for toolbars online which would help you in bookmarking your desired applications or product or brand functional descriptions. All these icons from refresh icons to digital art icons can be had in 3 different states like normal, hot and disabled. From the name itself you would have guessed their functionalities. Hot is for active book mark which will be in dark and bright colour image, normal is for states like active but busy or idle state which will be in dull colour images and disabled is for states like offline, not available, invalid etc.

There are even lots more for you to choose from the icon library like up, user groups, trailer and support, unlock, slideshow, start secured, web, wizard, male user, female user etc.

Designed Icon Collections
Large Weather Icons Large Weather Icons depict different weather conditions typical in software, weather Web sites, and mobile gadgets. The images are supplied in typical sizes standard to Windows, Mac OS, and other systems. The largest versions are huge 512x512 pixel icons with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily affordable and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest quality.

Small Toolbar Icons Small Toolbar Icons will give new life to your project's GUI and greatly improve your application or website. This icon pack includes everything you need to create your project's design.

Business Icon Set Business Icon Set is a library of fine-looking stock icons for use in programs and on Web projects. They are delivered in a variety of formats, sizes and color schemes.

Large Toolbar Icons If you are in need for a contemporary and attractive design for you program's toolbar, consider using graphics in large sizes. Large Toolbar Icons pack from Aha-Soft is exactly what you need.

Vista Toolbar Icons Vista Toolbar Icons will give a variety to your interface replacing the standard icons with top grade royalty-free icons in Vista style. The icons have vibrant colors and well-finished edges.