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Percent lowering carries on to export of cash or to size increase Productions. But Lock as I think, never reached original synthesis.
Efficiency of the capital, it is visible from that citation (printed out in 1621),
Which Lock results from "Letters to the friend about usury":"High percent
Harms to trade. Benefit from percent more than profit on trade, and it
Induces rich merchants to throw trade and to give the capital under
Percent, and smaller merchants ruins ". It sets one more example
Rates on the low interest as on a resource of increase in riches (148).
Treasures advantage to norm of percent is lost. In certain cases
(For example, for Mana) tendency to strengthening of power of the state induced them
Nevertheless to support accumulation of money in the state treasury. But
"Shryoter, for example, used usual mercantilist arguments,
Drawing a gloomy picture of how country call could lose the
Money owing to the big growth of the state treasury... He spent also
Quite logical parallel between accumulation of treasures by monasteries and export
Excess of precious metals that, in its opinion, was the most bad turn
Affairs to what only can for itself present. It explained the extreme
Poverty of many east nations which as believed, had more gold
And silver, the other countries of the world, the that there treasures "are doomed idly
To lie in chests of princes "... If in accumulation of treasures by the state saw
At the best the doubtful blessing, and is frequent also the big danger that not
It is necessary and say that private accumulation followed avoid, as plagues.
Threw thunders and lightnings, and I do not think, that it was possible to find in this chorus though
One voice, sounding a discord "(149).
The excessive competition can lead to an unprofitable relation for the country
The prices for the export and import goods. So, Melin wrote in the "Lex
Mercatoria "(1622):" He aspire to sell more cheaply others in a damage for
The states under the pretext of trade increase. Trade does not extend,
When the goods are very cheap, because cheapness results from the weak
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