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 Large People Icons

Fireman with Shadow Icon Images

Fireman with Shadow Icon

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Fireman with Shadow icon
Fireman with Shadow Icon
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Icon sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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A Fireman Saves The Lives Of Innocent People

The following paragraphs will briefly let you know about the duties and responsibilities of a fireman, who has to save the lives of innocent people, which make his job one of the most responsive ones.

The firefighters of each and every country are doing commendable job. They are saving the lives of all those people, who get injured and brunt due to fire breakouts, road accidents, floods and air crashes. The job of a fireman is highly demanding. He has to be active, empathic and highly responsible. He is supposed to work in a team, for he cannot deal with an emergency situation alone. The governments should make sure that their firefighters are well trained and equipped with latest and high tech equipments, so that they can deal with all sorts of emergency situations.

A fireman is supposed to respond the calls immediately and should know well to use the fire extinguishers and the automatic ladders. He should be capable to enter the building, which is on fire and should take people out in the safest way. When a building is on fire, it gets extremely suffocated because of the smoke, but it is the duty of the firefighter that he should immediately open as much as possible windows and doors so that the victims do not get faint because of suffocation. A responsible fireman is the one, who does not care about his won life, but tries hard to save the lives of innocent people. There are certain steps, which firefighters are suppose to follow.

A fireman should make preliminary evaluation of the incident by analyzing the alarm type. He should then wear and pick up all the protective equipments, which will save him from any kind of harm, so that he can proceed with a carefree mind. The most important duty of a fireman is to check the functionality and working of all the water pumps, ladders and fire extinguishers, so that he does not have to face any complications while performing his job. The water pumps should be filled with water, which will make the firefighter capable of extinguishing the fire by throwing water with extreme pressure. If nay problem occurs while working with the equipments, then it is the responsibility of a firefighter that he should inform it to the senior officer. His responsible behavior will show that he is one of the most competent firefighters.

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Download Large People Icons

People Icons for Vista People Icons for Vista illustrate people of various occupations, social and family roles. They are crafted in Vista style and come with or without shadows. Icons are delivered in various formats and sizes.

Financial Icon Library for Vista Vista Financial Icon Library is a collection of money and shopping related icons in Windows Vista style. The set is provided as BMP, ICO, GIF and PNG file formats.

Messenger Icons for Vista The Vista Messenger icon collection is an excellent pack of icons that will bring new life to your digital communications! The set is perfect for Vista with up to 256x256 sizes!

Basic Icons for Vista Basic Icons for Vista is a pack of sleek and professionally finished icons designed in the same manner as the original Vista icons. The icons come in two variants: with or without shadows.

Folder Icon Set Make your OS look more current and stylish with our Folder Icon Set. The images are available in sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256.