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Surgeon with Shadow Icon Images

Surgeon with Shadow Icon

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Surgeon with Shadow icon
Surgeon with Shadow Icon
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Icon sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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Surgeon And His Duties

The following article will provide brief information about the surgery and the person who performs it, that is surgeon.

Medicine is a vast field. There are many fields, and surgery is one of the most Imortant field. It is one of the broad and the most perilous field. Surgery is the most distinctive medical treatment which involves the cutting, to remove those organs or parts of the body that are diseased. Surgery also repairs the broken or injured body arts and tissues. There was a time when only heart surgery was the only surgery in medical field but with the passage of time and with modern technology, now the surgery list is quite extended. Some of the most important and common are dental surgery, transplant surgeries including heart, kidney and liver transplant. One of the most different and exclusive kind of surgeries is plastic surgery. In plastic surgery , any part of body can be changed with plastic surgery even you can have a completely new face with it if your face got burnt incidentally or due to any accident you had a face injury. Some people go for it merely for a beautiful face.

A surgeon is the one who specializes in the field of surgery, he is authorized and d licensed to perform surgery of any part of the body. A surgeon should be highly professional and educated and should have the basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, shock and resurgence and emergency, intensive care and wound healing.

Surgery is highly complicated medical treatment, so a surgeon needs to be highly professional, experienced, and specialized. He should not be best in professional requirements but this field of medical demands also demands intelligence and strong decision power. As sometimes, during surgery the he has to take quick decision regarding the surgery and he don’t have enough time for that, a quick and a good decision by him can result in a successful surgery.

Surgeons are thought of as really rich because even a single surgery can bring them a great amount of money. But one shouldn’t forget that a surgeon gets this after a lot of struggle and hard work and he absolutely deserves it.

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Download Large People Icons

Basic Icons for Vista Basic Icons for Vista is a set of sleek and professionally finished icons created in the similar style as the original Vista icons. The icons come in two variants: with or without shadows.

People Icons for Vista People Icons for Vista depict people of various occupations, groups and family status. They are crafted in Vista style and are available with or without shadows. Icons are provided in various formats and sizes.

Large Icons for Vista Large Icons for Vista is a pack of smooth and polished icons designed in the same manner as the standard Vista icons. The icons come in two versions: with or without shadows.

Military Icon Set Plenty of military-style icons from our Military Icon Set will make your operating system look more current and engaging. The graphics are delivered in GIF, BMP, ICO and PNG file formats.

Network Icon Library for Vista Vista Network Icon Library is a pack of network-related icons. The pack is provided as PNG, ICO, BMP and GIF files. Each icon has 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256 sizes.