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Icon sizes: 256x256, 64x64, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16, 512x512
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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Tags: family guy folder icons, tzones icon, own buddy icon, ecomerce icons, love xanga icons

Before it there was suddenly a familiar true rectangle. He saw it on the Moon, met it in system of Jupiter, and still whence knew that ancestors saw it very much and very much for a long time. The black plate still stored incomprehensible secrets, however has ceased to be a complete riddle - some properties of its steel are clear now. It was not one body, but set of bodies. And whatever told devices, its geometrical sizes always were same - that is necessary.

As the mathematical parity of the parties, the beginning of a square-law number - 1:4:9 became clear now! And as was naive to consider that the sequence comes to an end here, in pity three measurements! During that instant when he has mused of this geometrical simplicity, the empty rectangle was filled in with stars. The hotel room if it sometime really existed, has disappeared: before it the Galaxy spiral sparkled.

It has made mental effort and for the first time in the present life has learnt despair and failure. The switch, which weight made all some grammes, has not given in. It could while to operate only energy, the world of a matter was not subject to it. But the exit was. He should still to much learn.

The charge of energy which it has directed to the relay, was so great that wires hardly have not fused before has worked the trigger mechanism. Micro seconds hung heavy. It was amusing to watch, how in killing charges energy is accumulated - as if a thin match have brought to a powder keg...

Over the hemisphere loaded in a dream for short time there has ascended the artificial dawn generated by not heard explosion of many megatons. Like a phoenix reviving in a flame, it has absorbed in itself(himself) necessary energy. The atmosphere serving to a planet by a board from it of dangers, has accepted a radiation main blow. However those people and animals whom has not carried, have for ever lost sight.

It seemed, the shaken Earth has grown dumb. Transfers on average and long waves have ceased; only VHF-radiation got through the invisible planet invisible, slowly breaking up mirror which has captured a planet, however a range of transfers was so it is narrow that he did not hear them. Some a powerful radar still watched it, but it did not disturb him. They were easy for neutralising, however even it did not begin to do it. And if on a way there will be new bombs, it too will ignore them. Energy while is. On a wide spiral it has begun descent in the world of the childhood.

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