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Get Standard Admin Icons here
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You can buy Standard Admin Icons for $49.95.

Online Order:
A fully functional version of Standard Admin Icons can be ordered over the Internet using any major credit card or other payment method. The order page is located on a secure server, ensuring that your personal information remains confidential. As soon as your order is processed, a download link and a password for the archive will be displayed. In addition, all download information will be sent via e-mail.

Order Links Order Form Languages Credit/Debit Cards Payment Options
 $49.95 English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, JSB, Solo, Maestro Wire transfer, phone, fax, mail/ check/ money order, PayPal, WebMoney
 39.95 EUR English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, JSB, Solo, Maestro Wire transfer, phone, fax, mail/ check/ money order, PayPal, WebMoney

Ordering information

Our products can be ordered online at any time. To place an order, simply fill in the online purchase form and the registration information detailing the use of the icons will be sent to you via e-mail.
Credit card information
When you place an online order, your credit card information is sent directly to the credit card processor via a secure (SSL) channel so that no one can intercept your personal data. We sell our software via well-known e-commerce service provider (PayPro Global).
If you've made a payment but have not received a confirmation letter and registration information within a reasonable amount of time (two hours for credit card and PayPal payments or two weeks for other payments), please notify us via e-mail. Please note that a delay could mean that the e-mail address provided on your order form is invalid (due to misspelling, etc.). We apologize for any inconvenience caused by these delays.