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 Standard Agriculture Icons

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Icon sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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Tags: loadimage image_icon, folder icon for xp, naploean dynamite icons, puft icons, genealogy icons

Neither strong nerves, nor shortage of imagination still meant nothing: whether it is pleasant to see personally itself a midge creeping on a bowl which in a diameter has more than sixteen kilometres? Till now darkness irritated Mersera, now he almost blest her.

- The temperature does not vary, - he has reported on Norton, - still hardly below zero. However pressure of air, predictably, raises and has reached approximately three hundred it. Even in such conditions here it is almost possible to breathe, and more low especially it will not make a problem. Perhaps, I will risk to inhale...

Iit has lowered pressure in a survival suit, has disconnected hermetic sealing of a helmet and has slightly opened a chink. An uncertain breath, then other, more deeply...

Frame air was lifeless, stagnant as if in a tomb, but such ancient that the decay smell has disappeared from it centuries ago.

So, they have carried out the problem. It has almost weaned from gravitation, however and to get used to it anew too it was not necessary; after all to them followed immediately return to weightlessness near to an axis.

Chapter 11


Captain Norton has come to a conclusion for a long time already that the input aboard a spaceship should be categorically prohibited other women; weightlessness jokes with their figures such jokes that nobody can concentrate in practice. While they do not move, still half-troubles, but it is necessary to them to move - and there is a show, what any man if at it in veins not fish blood, to transfer not in a condition. The captain has been absolutely assured that one serious incident in space has happened for this reason: in cabin the woman-officer has inopportunely swum in, and of crew the absent-mindedness attack at once has taken possession.

Yes in that also there was no need - they too well knew one another. Years ago, on the Earth, they somehow, having given in to mood, have broken line. Probably, this episode can remain for ever the only thing / but who can warrant something in such affairs?/. Both for it and for it since then much water has flowed under the bridges but when the doctor has appeared in a captain's cabin, he felt as if a fleeting echo of the past, she felt that he has not forgotten it, and both were happy.

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