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 Standard Agriculture Icons

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Icon sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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Tags: gubler icons, smiley icon to, small icons in quick launch, shiira icon, madonna icon


it again was in space and again saw the Aurora in the form of a sphere. It.it.

Has been taken by something, and in all it was felt uncertain, but universal Atmosphere of state of emergency as if battle, as if them prepared Pursued.

it has shaken by a head. She could think clearly and felt Well, but when its thoughts came back by then at Institute after

Care of Amadejro, it was covered by strange sensation of unreality. There was a failure

In time. Here it sits on a couch, she would like to sleep, and in the following

The moment in a room it has appeared four robots and the woman, which earlier not


Means, she slept, but does not remember it. Any failure in

Now, looking back back, she has recollected the woman. That was Vasily - , daughter Hena Fastolfa in which feelings it was replaced with Gledija. - never saw to Vasily personally, only a few time on the screen. - always thought of it as about second "I", far and hostile. At Them was uncertain similarity in appearance, which all always Noticed, but Gledija assured that does not see it, and directly The opposite relation to Fastolfu.

As soon as it has appeared by the ship and there was one with the Robots, it has asked an inevitable question:

- That Vasily Aliena did in a room and why me have not woken, When it has come?

- Madam Gledija, - Deniel has told, - your question will be answered with me, because

Probably, it is difficult to friend Zhiskaru to speak about it.

- And why to it it is difficult, Deniel?

- Vasily's madam has come to convince Zhiskara with hope to enter into its staff.

- To leave from me? - Has exclaimed in indignation of Gledija. She not so loved

- , but it had no significance. That it is that it. - and you have allowed me

To sleep and coped with this business?

- We felt, madam that the dream is necessary for you. Furthermore madam - has ordered to us to keep you to sleep. And, at last, in our opinion, - should not pass to it at all. For all these reasons We also did not awake you.

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