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 Standard Agriculture Icons

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Tags: mimetypes icons, photoshop cs3 create icon, all my icons are gone, sohma icons, waving flag icon

- I am glad that was the witness to succession of events for last two months. If I did not know all background of this case with a pool, I would blame only Robert. But you can be assured that I will call for conversation of parents of other two boys. I do not justify that and their dinners have thrown boys in a pool, but I hope, now we will see, how to this hooliganism and mockery the end will come.

Next day we have met these two children, have reconciled and have shaken each other hands. During change this very day other children have approached to me, have shaken hands with me and have clapped on a back. They have congratulated me that I have rejected pressure of two hooligans who lifted up also them too. I have thanked them for congratulations, but have thus told:it You need to learn to stand for itself. If you do not manage, will grow cowards and all life will allow hooligans to order about yourself it. My daddy would be proud, having heard, as I repeat words of its lectures intended for me. After that day study in the first class became for me to much more pleasant. I have got so important self-trust, have won respect of a class, and the most beautiful girl began to be on friendly terms with me in a class. But that the most interesting, two hooligans finally became my friends. I have learnt to achieve the world thanks to that was strong instead of being afraid and suffer mockeries because was weak.

Within the next week by means of mum and the daddy I have taken some valuable vital lessons from incident with a pool. This case became the main subject for discussion at supper. I have understood that in a life there are no correct or wrong answers. I have understood that in a life we have a possibility to choose and that each chosen variant has the consequences. If we do not like our choice and its consequences then we should search for a new variant of a choice with other consequences. Thanks to this incident with a pool I have realised, it is how much important to be kind and liking as mum learnt, and to be able to reject pressure as the daddy learnt. I have understood that if take too much from one of them, or take all from one and anything from another to it you limit yourself. In the same way, as too the water considerable quantity can ruin a plant which is parched with thirst, we, people, in the behaviour we can go too far often in this or that party. As my daddy that evening when we came back from an office of the director has told, itmany people live in the black-and-white world or in the world where only two concepts it it is correct and wrong. Many will advise to you:it Never hit back it, it the others will tell:it Always beat in the answer it. But the key to success consists in the following: if you simply hit back should know precisely, how much, strongly to beat. Exact knowledge of that, how much strongly it is necessary to beat, demands much more mind, than simply to tell:it do not hit back "or" Beat in the answer it.

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