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Tags: mirenesse icon sealer, image icons, icon institut, change icon set, sweet icons for aim


Names of operators, variable, constants, types of values, a name most

Programs are assigned by the programmer and are named in Pascal as identifiers. There are rules to which all identifiers should answer:

The identifier should be unique, that is different objects cannot be named by the same name;

The identifier has limitation on length (depends on concrete implementation of language on the computer);

The identifier can consist only of characters of the Latin alphabet, digits and the underline sign ("_"); the identifier cannot start with digit.


From all subsections of descriptions now we will consider only the description

Constants and variables, the others - later.

Generally speaking, in Pascal constants is any data obviously set in the program (for example, 7493, ' greetings ', 54.899). It is necessary to pay your attention that at record of numerical constants with a fractional part this part

Separates from whole not a comma as, probably, you have got used, and a point. For record very big modulo or very small (close to zero) numbers there is a possibility of their record in the so-called exponential form. You met such record in the mathematician and the physicist, but named as its standard form of number.

Example: 2. 4 5 6 7 ? - 0 6

^???????? ^???????

Here " character separates a mantissa (a collection of significant digits of number with a decimal point after the first) from an order (a ten exponent in a number standard form). You should learn as to read number in the such

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