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 Standard Dating Icons

Open Message Icon Images

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Icon sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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Tags: eighties icons, create windows standby icon, stardock icon, hello kitty livejournal icons, icon fashion jewelry

There would be sizes of investments more low or not below the sizes corresponding to it

To level. Thus, if investments were on the indicated critical Level the prices would stay in a condition of unstable balance, jumping to Zero every time when investments would fall below this level, and to Infinity when they would appear above it. The stability element could To be supplied (if it in general it is real) only by means of factors, Money regulating quantity so that always existed Known level of monetary wages, at which quantity of money It would be just that, that the necessary parity was established between Norm of percent and marginal efficiency of the capital, supporting Investments at critical level. In this case employment would be a constant (Being at the level corresponding to the statutory real To wages), and monetary wages and the prices would test the fast Fluctuations just in such degree which is necessary for volume maintenance Investments up to the mark. As to the valid state of affairs in Australia there rescue has been found partly in an inevitable inefficiency Legislation which could not reach entirely an object in view, and Partly in that Australia is not the closed system, and consequently for

It level of monetary wages itself has appeared the major factor,

Defined the size foreign, and consequently, and the general investments, into that

Time as has essentially affected real wages a parity of the prices Between the export and import goods.

In the light of these reasons I come to a conclusion that for the closed system

The most reasonable policy consists in the end in maintenance Stable general level of monetary wages. This conclusion remains in To force and for open system provided that balance with other world

It is possible to supply by means of fluctuating rates of exchange. Known degree

Flexibility of wages in individual industries has advantages, As it can promote moving of a labour from branches, Being in relative decline, in rather extending branches. But The general level of monetary wages should be supported as much as possible Stable, at least in short-term aspect.

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