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Standard Logistics Icons
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 Standard Logistics Icons

Transportation Costs Icon Images

Transportation Costs Icon

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Transportation Costs Icon
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Icon sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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Tags: 16x16 icon set, hide tray icon, johnny icons, osx folder icon, change file icons in windows

Relative stability of a price level will be result of such policy,

On all occasions the big stability, than at the politician of the flexible wage

Payments. If to lay aside administered or monopoly prices, in

Short-term aspect the price level will be changed only in that measure, in what

Changes of volume of employment will affect primary costs

Productions. In long-term aspect of the price begin to be changed in the answer only

On such changes in production costs which will occur at Introduction of new technology, application of the new equipment or increase Volume old.

However, if significant fluctuations of employment take place nevertheless,

That they will be accompanied also by essential fluctuations in a price level. However, as

I already have told above, these fluctuations will be less, than at realisation of a policy

Flexible wages.

Thus, at realisation of a policy of rigid wages The firmness of prices in short-term aspect will be connected with absence Fluctuations in employment. In long-term aspect all of us still face Choice between a policy supposing in process of perfection technicians and Technologies slow fall in prices at preservation of stable level Wages, and a policy supposing slow increase by the wage

Payments at preservation of a firmness of prices. As a whole I prefer the second

To variant whereas to support actual employment in limits,

There is enough relatives to a full employment, it is easier, when in the future growth is expected

Wages, than in that case when in the future its decrease is expected. To To it social advantages gradually decreasing join still Debt burden, the big ease of moving of a labour from branches, Falling into decay, in fast developing branches and, at last, Psychological stimulus which, possibly, will arise at availability Tendencies to moderate growth of monetary wages. But it is a question not Basic, and I would be beyond a subject of the present research, if

Would attend to detailed analysis of arguments in favour of this or that of these

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