Standard Portfolio Icons set contains all icons a weblancer may need: whether you're a painter, a web designer or a photograph you'll find the most appropriate icon images for your personal portfolio or for an online art gallery.
The library of portfolio icons comes in sizes of 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256 pixels in 32-bit color scheme with alpha-channel. Normal, highlighted, and disabled versions of each icon are supplied. Image formats include a variety of Windows and platform independent formats such as BMP, ICO and PNG.
Standard Portfolio Icons
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Purchase this icon set for $49.95 now!
All of the icons above are available in the following image formats:
Standard Portfolio Icons - Example
Integrate with Common Social Networks
A collection of Social Web Buttons makes visual integration with social services an easy task. The set supplied icons that depict a number of social networks and navigation elements sharing common style, gamma, and resolution.
Visually integrating a blog or forum with a number of today's social services is not an easy task for a Web designer. Different formats and resolutions of logotypes used by popular social services makes embedding them into your design a difficult job.
Fortunately, there is a solution. Icon Empire provides a collection of Social Web Buttons to make such integration simple. The library provides images representing most popular social services provided by AOL, MSN, Google, YouTube, as well as social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. In addition, Social Web Buttons include graphics for common navigation elements such as Home, Favourites, Friend, Follow, Forward, Chain, and so on. The entire collection is designed in matching gamma to make seamless integration into your blog or forum an easy task.
Technically, the Social Web Buttons collection is supplied as a number of PNG files in sizes of 512*512, 256*256, 48*48, 32*32, 24*24, and 16*16 pixels, with optional vector sources in Adobe Illustrator format available for a fee.
Social Web Buttons are perfect for a modern Web site, and can be used in chat rooms, social services, and communication Web sites. The collection of Social Web Buttons is professionally crafted, and will match any design or skin.
Are You Overpaying for Your Graphics?
If buying stock graphics, are you sure you're not overpaying? Different manufacturers offer different licensing terms for their images. Icon Empire offers the most favorable and straightforward terms: pay once, use forever. Social Web Buttons are decidedly royalty-free. The set, once bought, can be used in as many projects and Web sites as you need - no need to ask permissions or fetching any additional payments.
The Social Web Buttons collection is just one of the many sets offered by Icon Empire. You're welcome to visit www.iconempire.com to check them out, or navigate directly to http://www.iconempire.com/web-buttons/social-web-buttons/ for an instant preview.
Copyright © 2005-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
Individual Ready Icons
You can buy individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1 when purchased individually.
Icon Usage Agreement
Professional icon design at affordable prices.
Large Weather Icons represent a number of weather conditions that are common for software, weather Web sites, and mobile gadgets. The images are available in typical resolutions standard to Windows, Mac OS, and other platforms. The largest versions are huge 512x512 pixel images with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily affordable and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest resolution.

SibCode Medical Icon Library is a fantastic set of icons that fulfills most of the typical medicine-related application's needs. The top choice at an affordable price!

Releasing a tool for system administrators, creating a network application or developing a Web-based log file analyzer? Enhance any software with a pack of Standard Admin Icons from Aha-Soft!
Large Money Icons is a collection of professionally made icons for use in commercial and personal projects, such as software applications, websites, blogs and presentations. All the images have a bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges.
Basic Icons for Vista is a set of smooth and polished icons created in the same style as the original Vista icons. The icons come in two variants: with or without shadows.