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 Standard Telephone Icons

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Icon sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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Tags: www aim icons com, moyashimon icon, icons communication, icon light gun, mirraco icon bmx

Traces of administrative-territorial hierarchy of the USSR will lead to disappearance

Conflicts between levels of administrative-territorial division and To formation of economically effective and politically stable structure Relations between division units.

The USSR (republics with regional it.*

Stage and. A stage the Stage in

To 1989 1989 1991 1991-1994

Stage it the Stage it the Stage it

1995 and further the Hypothetical end result

The resulted logic is valid only for regions of Russia, while

Presence in structure of RSFSR as parts of the USSR of autonomous republics and areas

Leads to other logic of transformation of the administrative-territorial Divisions. It is shown in a following drawing.

* _it 5._ Logic of transformation of autonomies of the USSR in republics in structure

Russia and it.*

1 - to 1989 2 1989-1991 3 1991-1994

4 5 6

1994 - on the present a hypothetical final status

Difference of processes of transformation of is administrative-market space for

Areas and for republics as a part of federation (were autonomies) first of all in

Volume that in republics areas earlier, than cities become subjects Political relations.

Levels of administrative-territorial division in at their occurrence from

Is administrative-market) Russia in the minimum degree it is connected with the personal

Qualities and political ambitions of heads of local authorities.

Administrative-territorial structure according to Federal

The contract have led to essential formal simplification of the administrative

And edges (the last have lost the specificity, the area having in was called as edge

The structure an autonomy of a rank of area), and the republics formed of the were

Autonomous republics and autonomous regions. National districts nominally Enter directly into structure of Russia, but their administrative status not

It is quite defined. Republics, areas (edge) and national districts are presented

As institutes only in Federal meeting of Russia. In the government of Russia is not present

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Download Standard Telephone Icons

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