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Tags: dyamite buddy icons, icon 2002, icon hotel prague, icon 80x80, icon proform

Some biologists inclined to mysticism, have gone further away. Scooping the arguments from postulates of various religions, they assumed that the reason in the end will be released of a matter. The Body-robot, like a body from a flesh and blood, will serve only as a step to that the person very long time ago named "spirit".

But if behind it too there is something else the name to it can be only "God".

Chapter 33

The envoy

For the last three months Boumen has so adapted to lonely existence that it was difficult to it to recollect, whether he lived sometime differently. It has already stepped both despair, and hope and was loaded in the routine of almost automatic responsibilities from time to time interrupted with works involving all hands when in any of systems "it" there were malfunction signs.

But curiosity it has not lost, and at times thought on that purpose to which bears its ship, awoke in it joyful excitement and sensation of the relevancy. After all it - not only the representative of all mankind; probably, destiny of people depends on how it will act the next weeks. In all history there was yet nothing similar. It, Boumen, - the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of a human race. And it supported it in many respects, even in trifles. He carefully watched itself(himself), had regularly a shave, despite of weariness. He understood - the Earth observes of it, catching first signs of any deviations from normal mentality, and has decided not to give to Control centre any, on all occasions serious, occasions to suspect the wrong.

And "Diskaveri" to Saturn flied, vibrating from cool sounds of a clavichord - the immortalised meditations of the brain which has become by ashes almost two hundred years ago.

Already now, from distance in fifteen millions kilometres, Saturn seemed more than the Moon from the Earth. For a naked eye the show was majestic, in a telescope - improbable. The body of a planet could be accepted for Jupiter which only a bit has become silent. The same belts of clouds unless is more pale and the less clearly outlined, same slowly moving indignations of atmosphere in the size in the whole continents. However Saturn had one sharp difference from Jupiter - even it was at first sight visible that it is hardly flattened at both poles; sometimes it seemed even that it is a little asymmetric. But the look of Boumena was distracted invariably from the planet by majestic beauty of its rings. On the variety, complexity and riches of the most thin flower shades they cost the whole Universe. Except the basic big rupture between internal and external rings in this huge nimbus of a planet was yet less than fifty other ring intervals dividing strips of various brightness. Saturn tens the hoops, densely entering surrounded as though one in other, and such flat and thin as if they are cut out from a paper. The system of rings looked the most thin work of art, a fragile toy which can admire only, but to touch it it is impossible. It could not, as tried, to imagine the true sizes of rings. It was not believed that the Earth if it to transfer here, would look as a ball from the bearing, sliding on edge of a lunch plate.

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Download Standard Toolbar Icons

Standard Software Icons Standard Software Icons is pack of colorful software icons carefully designed by professional artists. This pack is an ideal selection for navigation menus and toolbars of all sorts.

Large Weather Icons Large Weather Icons depict different weather conditions typical in software, weather Web sites, and mobile gadgets. The images are supplied in typical sizes standard to Windows, Mac OS, and mobile platforms. The largest versions are huge 512x512 pixel images with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily affordable and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest quality.

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