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 Standard Transport Icons

Black Car V3 Icon Images

Black Car V3 Icon

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Black Car V3 Icon
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Icon sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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Tags: icons turning black, metal icon, fashion icons of the 60s, flyakite icons, narusasu icons

All transfers were approximately two-year prescription, that is concerned by then when on the Moon have found out monolith it-1. It is difficult to believe that it is simple coincidence. Probably, these transfers were then are accepted and relayed here; means, the black block did not stay idle at all, and people on the Moon and did not suspect about it.

It continued to switch at random the channel and has suddenly come across a familiar scene. On the screen there was an image of that drawing room that was here, behind a wall, and in it the known actor taken this minute by furious squabble with the incorrect mistress sat. Stunned Boumen instantly has learnt room conditions which has just left and when the chamber after quarrelling heroes has driven in a bedroom, it has involuntarily thrown a sight at a door as if expecting that they now will enter here. And so, means, as its owners have prepared this "a receiving platform" for the visitor from the Earth! They have gathered the submissions about a life of earth dwellers from telecasts. Sensation that it is surrounded by film scenery, it has not made.

So, Boumen has learnt that it was now necessary for it. It has switched off the TV. "What to do further?" - he has asked itself(himself), having mortgaged hands for a head and it on the empty screen.

He is immensely tired, was exhausted both a body and soul, but it seemed to it simply inconceivable to fall asleep in these improbable conditions, in such terrible distance from the Earth what any person never before did not know. However the convenient bed and unconscious wisdom of a body have entered secret arrangement against its will.

It it the switch - and the room was loaded by a hand in darkness.

In some seconds of it the deep sleep without dreams and dreams has taken possession.

So David Boumen has fallen asleep last time in the life...

Chapter 45


And even anew living moment after moment, he knew: all and the truth well. It was carried by by time corridors, promptly came back by the childhood, released of former knowledge and life experience. But the uniform particle did not vanish; everything, than was it before, during any instant of the life, was transmitted somewhere where it will be it. One David Boumen ceased to exist, and meanwhile other Boumen found immortality.

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