Financier with Shadow Icon
Icon sizes: 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16, 512x512, 256x256
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP
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Tags: ispazio themebuilder icons, icon of unyielding courage, image x icon base64, icon png file, windows my computer icon
We had possibility to be convinced of efficiency such «regroupings of forces», working with one government agency in the State of Oklahoma. We worked with the high-ranking official: it was the introvert who hated some «it» duties of the position — for example, visiting of "Rotari-club" and various actions, and also public notifications about activity of the establishment. As it is curious, its assistant was the extrovert, and all these duties were to it to liking, however any of them did not appear in its duty regulations. Where is more often she had to stay behind a desk, having plunged into an abundance of petty paper job. Other two large officials, chiefs of financial and personnel departments, also not quite could reconcile with the duties. One of them, being it intuitive it (ENF), had education of the financier (usually owners of these three preferences not too gravitate to the finance and engineering job, but can get education in these areas, wishing to go in the footsteps of the idols — parents, teachers and other people who have played their lives the important role). The head of a staff department of the type was ISTJ which with much bigger pleasure (and with it efficiency) would cope with job in financial department.
Being are invited as advisers, we have enquired, why all these people cannot change over so that it was interesting to everyone to work — differently, have suggested them to exchange duties, without varying posts. They have immediately given us the stereotypic answer: «It runs counter to personnel practice, and, besides, anything similar before did not become. Whether we can entrust our job each other so that anybody has spoilt nothing?» For example, the boss-introvert that its assistant-extrovert will incessantly appear in the centre of general attention disturbed and will lose a head from such popularity. And this trouble was not unreasonable.
During some time we weighed all pro's and con's the offer. Besides, we have defined that all participants of a situation were people responsible, and have concluded that our scheme can appear quite efficient. As a result we could rearrange with success their duties according to type of the person and interests of each of them, without looking back thus at the personnel selection seeming some of the any.
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Large Icons for Vista is a set of sleek and polished icons created in the same manner as the standard Vista icons. The images come in two versions: with or without shadows.
People Icons for Vista illustrate people of different jobs, groups and family status. They are crafted in Vista style and are available with or without shadows. Icons are provided in various formats and sizes.

Design city maps that look flawless both digital and printed. Standard City Icons are provide in a variety of sizes and resolutions and in file formats of ICO, PNG, BMP and GIF.

Refine an accounting project or bookkeeper application with appealing graphics. Accounting Development Icons depict various concepts and objects associated with accounting and finance, such as currencies, financial symbols, files, customers, and more.

Make your OS look more current and stylish with our Folder Icon Set. The images are provided in sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256.