Percent with Shadow Icon
Icon sizes: 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16, 256x256, 512x512
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP
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Tags: arrow icon, gif icons for web, associate icon, free office icon, icon toolbar
My travel from 23-year-old the warrant-fillera to 41-year-old operating the capital was long. I have started to trade not at once in prizes on 100 contracts, for today representing a stock value for the sum of $25 million. As the trader I have passed through some metamorphoses. Progress, by definition, step process in which one step follows another. Speak before to learn to go, you creep, and before will learn to run, — you go. Probably, with reference to a trading hole this statement even more important, as it one
From few places in a society where it is possible to become the millionaire, leaning only against the abilities. And a hole, as a matter of fact, the rare phenomenon where it is not obligatory to have education for success achievement. All here depends only on real practice. Here you cannot learn all under books or even at the teacher.
The knowledge of your own reaction to advantageous transactions and on losses is key. The success can be same awful, as well as failure. The worst that can happen with the beginning trader, are two weeks of advantageous transactions. A temptation to believe in own invincibility it is very great. After that you risk in the precipitate transaction too big capital, and the market moves against you. I saw the traders ruined by similar movements.
In 1996 I have started to support traders of System of execution of small orders (SOES) on NASDAQ. Me excited, whether there is an optimum type of the person for trading. This idea was submitted by my stepfather who having successful business and has found out that 10 percent of its sellers provide 80 percent of its sales. Not surprisingly, these best sellers had similar personal qualities. I used the test of Mejersa-Brshtsa on which all people share on 16 types of the person. It was tested itself and has given the test to the brother. It and at me had an identical type of the person, as well as at the best SOES-traders. I do not wish to disappoint someone having passion to trading, having given the information on type of its person. But, probably, I should be informed that for successful trade you should be a bit mad...
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Individual Ready Icons
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Icon Usage Agreement
Large Icons for Vista is a pack of smooth and polished icons designed in the same manner as the standard Vista icons. The images come in two versions: with or without shadows.
Design city maps that look perfect on screen and on paper. Standard City Icons are provide in a variety of sizes and resolutions and in file formats of BMP, GIF, ICO and PNG.
Make your operating system look more contemporary and stylish with the help of Folder Icon Set. The icons are available in sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256.
Plenty of military icons from our Military Icon Set will make your operating system appear more modern and attractive. The graphics are provided in PNG, BMP, GIF and ICO file formats.
Paper Icon Library will let the user to refine their projects with smart and stylish icons. The set contains symbols for Table, New, Text document, Form, Report and a lot more.