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Standard Admin Icons
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 Standard Admin Icons

Folder Icon Images

Folder Icon

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Icon sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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Tags: 880i icons, folder icons gif, tdwp aim icons, simnor image to icon, icon mdsol com

To open, close, open, close.

Having shown to the person a bowl life, god has led the person in mountains. And there it is high in mountains has specified to it

On a nest of an eagle.

- But if you want, you can choose to yourself this life.

- You can soar so highly as will want, you can live as will want, you can

To reach the highest tops and at tops of these you you will meet only few same as


- You will define where and as you to fly and the price to all to it there will be that that anything and

Never will get to you simply so.

- You should go every day in search of food, and extract it by the own sweat and blood.

- You can choose this life if you want.

And since then there were on light people a part from which chose a life of a bowl and the few,

Which chose a life of an eagle.

Also it would seem all were defined in this life and everyone should go the chosen way.

But happens with people that with people happens very often - an unforeseen situation.

It was very soon found out that the great bulk of people did not like a life at the bottom:

- As so, I not from those who absolutely any and I count for something in this life... It seems...


And I am not going to to lie at the bottom all life...

And I when - it will show to all on what I am capable....

But perhaps not now, and somehow later...

And, as it was found out, these people from a life wished to have everything that only is possible, but nothing

Giving in exchange.

They wished to receive, without paying for it the prices. ON the FREEBIE.

And very soon there was a name to these people - DUCKS.

That it was easier than them to calculate I will result pair of examples.

You sometime had to talk to the seller in shop and enquiring about To purchase to hear the following phrase:

- My God, so you will take or not?

Or on the request to tell, how much is that, or other goods as you do not see the price list

- I do not serve this department, wait other seller.

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