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 Standard Admin Icons

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Icon sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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Tags: xanga icons swicki, icon by esel, icon favicon ico, how to hide tray icon, free cursors icons

To exist, and you see that I still standing.

- Then ask Zhiskara, whether can and whether it will obey yours To zero Zakonu Robotehniki.

it has turned a head to Zhiskaru.

- Friend Zhiskar?

it has slowly answered:

- I cannot pass the Zero Law, friend Deniel. You know that I Much read about a human history.

I have found in it the great crimes made by one people against

Others, and always for these crimes was the justification that they supposedly

The states or even all mankind were made for the sake of a tribe. Just

Because mankind - abstraction so it is easy to find the justification to all.

Hence, your Zero Law does not approach.

- But you know, friend Zhiskar that now danger to mankind Exists, and it for certain will yield fruits if you become the property Madam Vasily. It, at least, not abstraction.

- Danger which you mention, is not obviously known, and only It is supposed. We cannot build on it action on neglect Three Laws.

it has kept silent and has said in low tones:

- But you hope that your studying of human history will help To you to establish the laws operating human behaviour that you You will learn to predict and operate human history or, on the extreme To measure to begin, so that sometime someone too has learnt To predict and direct it.

You even named this engineering "psychohistory". Unless in it you have no

Affairs with a human carpet? Unless you do not try to work with Mankind as with a unit, instead of as with meeting of the individual People?

- Yes, friend Deniel, but it only hope, and I cannot base The actions only on hope also I can not change Three Laws in Conformity with it.

This Deniel has answered nothing, and Vasily has told:

- Well here, the robot, all your attempts in what have not resulted. However you all

Still you stand on the feet. You are extremely obstinate, and the robot which can deny

Three Laws and nevertheless to function, is obviously dangerous to any person. On

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