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 Standard Portfolio Icons

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Certification Icon

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Certification Icon
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Icon sizes: 16x16, 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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Why Should You Use PNG File Format in Your Web Design?

The advantages of using PNG images in web designing over the different formats ;for instance, GIF and JPEG; the file type helps to make good and spectacular images that will entice your consumers

The PNG image format was introduced a few years back; it was put forth for consumers in the mid 90's to cover the drawbacks of the the common GIF file type. However, it did not catch on because the early browsers were not designed to support the progressive offerings of PNG so website designers and makers were forced to include it in their designs restrictedly. One of the main blocks faced by the format was Microsoft's flagship product, Internet Explorer which was the most well known and widely used browsers of the time; IE had little or no space for PNG support consequently the format could only be incorporated in limited capacity. But, the scene changed when IE7 was brought out; this new browser from Microsoft has aided in increasing the popularity of PNGs. So lets take a look at three reasons why PNG is is often regarded as the most useful image formats to be introduced so far:

It is possible to create see through images or a property known as alpha transparency: When you pitch GIF against PNG, you will see that a very distinct advantage with PNG is that you can only save any odd color as transparent in GIF this simply means that the color can be used whether opaque or transparent with just transparency in between with the use of PNG, you get a distinct feature over GIF; because the format supports semi transparent pixels. This feature gives you the ability to save a PNG file with a soft drop shadow and then fuse it with a background that suits your taste. The Image can also be used as a background with gradient or a water mark. The format gives you the option to use the smooth fading of hues from completely opaque to transparent, exposing the webpage below

They look fabulous: It is a well known fact that PNG images give you extreme flexibility also; there are several other benefits to incorporating this format. For example, if you choose a JPG image, you lose some of the information from the initial image whenever the file is saved, so after a while, you will be able to view a conspicuous decline in the quality of the images. Even if, this issue has been resolved in in the file type and you can save the images without sacrificing any details, GIF has a highly restrictive 256 color palette, which makes it quite ineffective if you want to save a picture. On the other hand, when you use PNG, you could get the most desired attributes of both these formats; you will have access to a full color display similar to JPEG format and it also supports managed color palette like GIF files. At the same time the compression of the picture is without loss so the image stays put regardless of how many time you save it.

Self Optimization is possible in PNG: A serious problem that web designers face frequently is the issue where the contrast and brightness of the commuter screen has to be regulated to see the the display correctly; the issue comes into the picture due to various Gamma setting used in monitors from different vendors. Gamma is a technology that helps to scatter the the light across the monitor display. However, various operating systems use varying Gamma settings. Therefore, a picture that is color corrected to suit Windows may not look right on a Mac. Once again, in this case the versatile PNG picture format can help you out, in PNG, you can save the pictures with a built in Gamma correction so regardless of the operating system; the Gamma settings will be realigned to display a picture with the impressive contrast and brightness.

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You can buy individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1 when purchased individually.

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Download Standard Portfolio Icons

Business Icon Set Business Icon Set. A collection of all-purpose icons with various symbols for the business environment for use with your software or on your website.

Stock Toolbar Icons What is the primary thing user sees when running an application? Surely it is a GUI and icons. However making icons is not an easy task. Stock Toolbar Icons is a real magic wand in this important task.

Large Weather Icons Large Weather Icons depict a number of weather conditions typical in software, weather Web sites, and mobile gadgets. The icons are available in typical resolutions standard to Windows, Mac OS, and mobile platforms. The biggest versions are huge 512x512 pixel images with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily available and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest quality.

Business Icons for Vista Business Icons for Vista is a stock design solution, which is well suited for a variety of business websites and programs. This collection comes in all standard sizes in 256 and 32-bit color.

Small Toolbar Icons Small Toolbar Icons will give new life to your interfaces and greatly improve your product or website. This icon pack contains all the images you need to complete your project's design.