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Standard Portfolio Icons
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 Standard Portfolio Icons

Invoice Icon Images

Invoice Icon

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Invoice Icon
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Icon sizes: 16x16, 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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Have you considered using stock icons?

There is certainly no lack of online businesses that sell stock icons; however, people often try to analyze if using these stock icons will make a difference to their website design and applications; so, here is a look at how you can benefit by using stock icons.

If you are designing a website or are creating an application, you must already know that icons are often the things that add to the quality of your site; they can take your application or website from being only functional to one that is is professional looking, user friendly and attractive.

However, creating your exclusive stock icons can be incredibly taxing and of course a waste of time.. If you hire the services of a web graphics designer, you will have to dole out a small fortune for the icon collection. On the other hand, you will be able to procure the precise quality from web graphics available over the internet for a percentage of the price. A set of stock icons can include 100 or more images, offered in various graphic formats that are perfect for depicting the functions that are popularly seen on every second websites and software programs; such as, help, copy, paste, lock etc.

If you cannot buy graphics that live up to you expectations, you can also approach one of these websites and tell them to create a custom icon for you; this is by far the most preferable option; to state it factually, the designer who worked on the original graphics will display a level of comfort with the theme which will help him to retain a modicum of consistency throughout the series of images associated with a specific theme.

The next question that several people think about is whether they should opt for the commercial images or go for free icon sets, so here is some insight on the positive attributes of commercial graphics vis a vis the free images:

Rate: The price of an icon set can be in the range of $100 and more based on the number of icons. However, free icon collections will normally have royalty concerns and/or you will have to use accreditations while using them.

Size: High quality stock icon sets can be bought in a variety of pixels, so even if you buy one icon, you should get them in several sizes like 16x16, 24x24 etc; you can also buy them in different states ;for instance, disabled, hot etc. But unlike these; free images are only available in a singular size and state

License: You may need to tackle some issues with the a license that costs nothing; you will not have the liberty to alter the images in any sense nor will you have a free hand to utilize them as many times as you want but with professional icon collections, you can use the images innumerable times in the most esoteric contexts.

Utility: Professional icon sets will generally contain ample of pictures to meet all your software and website design expectation ; however, with free images even if you were to manage to get fairly good graphics, they cannot be found easily this would mean that it may be impossible to use them in your application creation and web designing.

Available Icon Libraries

Individual Ready Icons

You can buy individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1 when purchased individually.

 Icon Usage Agreement

Download Standard Portfolio Icons

Free Business Desktop Icons Free Business Desktop Icons is a pack of 10 ready icons to be used in commercial and personal products, such as software, websites, blogs, and presentations. The images are free for personal, frequent and commercial use.

Toolbar Icon Set Toolbar Icon Set is a pack of royalty-free ready-made icons to be used in commercial and personal programs and websites. A number of formats and sizes is available.

Vista Toolbar Icons Vista Toolbar Icons will give a variety to your GUI replacing the regular icons with fine-looking royalty-free icons in Vista style. The icons have bright colors and smooth edges.

Car Icon Library The SibCode Car Icon Set covers a broad range of automobile-related topics: from a car insurance to a car, from a jeep to an ambulance car, from car business to traffic lights - all you can imagine of in one set.

Standard Business Icons Standard Business Icons is a collection of great-looking stock icons to be used in applications and on websites. Icons come in such categories as Business, Money, Reports, Transport and Finances.