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 Standard Portfolio Icons

Money Icon Images

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Icon sizes: 16x16, 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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The Practical Applications Windows Icons and Where To Find Them?

Are you sick of seeing the same windows icons on your computer screen? Here are easy guidelines on how to alterthese tiny graphical representations and where you can find attractive icons to make your very own icon collection.

Windows XP has made intense use of internet graphics which is the foremost rationale for its popularity. The state of the art GUI or graphical user interface makes it smooth for even the inexperienced user to inputdata with considerable ease. If you have to access a program, all you should do is click on the graphical depiction or the Windows icons on the screen. You can also switch these windows icons to make the appearance of your desktop cater to your liking.

If you are questioning yourself why you should take the trouble of altering the computer graphics, the answer is very straight forward, folks get sick of seeing regular computer graphics day in and day out and changing the Windows icons can provide a new work environment for computer users who are forever sitting in front of their computer. This simply means that picking never before used computer graphics can literally assist you to improve your work efficiency. If you have not tried changing the imageson your computer screen in the past; here are certain easy guidelines that will make the process a breeze.

  • The primary step is to; obviously, start the desktop or laptop and let Windows start as usual
  • Once you see the desktop, click on the start button which is at the lower right hand side of the screen; this should bring up a menu, look for the tab "My computer" and click on it. An alternate way is to open the hard drive is by clicking twice on the web graphics representing "my computer" on the desktop; this is usually the first image on the desktop; but, the icon will only be on the screen if it has been enabledlyou have enabled it on the desktop.
  • This being done, you to look for the application for which the icon is being used, you need to change this. You have to know the position of the file on the hard drive or try checking out the search tab in the start menu to find the program and pinpoint its exact location
  • After finding the application, right click on it and a drop down will appear on the screen, click on the properties tab..
  • Its relatively easy to locate the "change icon" button here, clicking on it will lead you to a section that will have a couple of icons that can be used for your selection. However, often, you cannot find the change icon tab, in this case, you will need to create a desktop icon; to do so, get rid the menu for properties and tap your finger on the right side button of the mouse to go to the initial menu, here you should seeanother option that reads "send to desktop" or "create shortcut", use this this option and go back to the desktop, you should now observe the function with the standard Widows icon. Now, you can right click on it and alter the graphic depiction.
  • If you cannot find the web graphics that you need in the dropdown list, go through the system to look for a preffered icon

    Where can you get impressive icons?

    There are numerous internet businesses that offer free image sets; actually, many of theselquite a few of these establishments ofer icons for different industries. If you dont prefer the feel of the free graphics, windows icons are easily available at affordable figures.

  • Ready Icon Libraries

    Individual Ready Icons

    You can buy individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1 when purchased individually.

     Icon Usage Agreement

    Download Standard Portfolio Icons

    Standard Business Icons Standard Business Icons is a library of fine-looking stock icons for use in software and on web pages. Images are presented in such categories as Reports, Money, Transport, Finances and Business.

    Transport Icon Set Transport Icon Set. A collection of colorful and distinctive icons depicting all transport types for the transport and tourist industries.

    Money Icon Set Money Icon Set is a collection of beautifully-crafted icons for use in business and personal software applications. Icons have a bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges.

    Accounting Toolbar Icons Accounting Toolbar Icons illustrate numerous concepts and symbols related to accounting and finance, including customers, currencies, financial symbols, files, and more.

    Program Toolbar Icons Add professionally crafted toolbar icons to your software projects. Program Toolbar Icons are instantly available, royalty-free graphics of objects, actions and concepts that are commonly used in application toolbars.